Saturday, December 6, 2008

Today, people around the world use many advanced technologies to communicate and share information with each other. People use cell phones, computers, television, radio, personal audio devices like mp3 players, and other devices to see and here the information being shared. These devices evolve and become even more high tech everyday.

It seems like every other week a new kind of cell phone is made and released that can play music, surf the internet, watch TV shows and movies, take pictures, text message other, and oh yeah, actually talk to people. This is the direction that we are headed. The future of media will require us to write not only for the web surfer that sits in front of their computer, it also require special writing that summarizes a story to the point where it is easy to read about something while walking, talking, and looking at your phone.

Cell phones are becoming faster and more multifunctional everyday. Eventually this will lead to using them as mini-computers. They will be able to use operating systems that computers use like Windows Vista. They will contain an internet explorer, and even Microsoft Office type programs. People will not be restricted by internet hot spots, they will simply need cell phone service.

There will still be a need for the computer, however, it will evolve even further from the brilliant machine that it is now. Computer screens will become as clear as high definition televisions are now. The screen will also allow people to use it as if it were a piece of paper in a notepad. Computers are already being used where the user can use a stylus to write in a digital format. This technology will eventually be on every computer and will help replace the mouse as our primary tool for computer navigation.

Internet speeds will become so fast, that television will be able to be streamed and viewed on the internet. Anyone will be able to broadcast themselves as they already to through youtube, but it will be much easier and much faster for them to do so.

Movies will be rented and viewed almost strictly through the world wide web as download speeds will be insanely fast. Television will completely transform as people will be able to select what they want to watch right from their computer. This is already going on through sites like hulu, but in the near future, everything will be made to view in its entirety immediately when it is broadcast.

Major news outlets and their affiliates will have to focus on the local levels even more than what they already do. As more and more people become connected, they want to see what is going on in their area, not whats going on across the planet. Extremely local stories will have to be produced thourgh written stories and even conventional newscasts that will be streamed online. Local high school sports will gain even more popualrity as coverage on them will be demanded by the public.

It is because of this previous statement that I believe our industry will strive and become bigger and require more employment. The internet requires us to be multifunctional much like our cell phones. We will need to be able to write well for internet print stories and for newscasts of audio and video. Every reporter will be given a camera to cover school board meetings and Friday night football. Job opportunities will only grow, but we will need to be like our cell phones.

1 comment:

Malnoske Mayhem said...


I enjoyed your post on the future of the media. I was particulary intrigued by the increased localization of news.

This is definitely true in a lot of cases and expect this to trickle down from major outlest like tv and internet to cell phones and Ipods. Pretty wild stuff.